Start New Project With Github

Reading Time: 1 minute

If you didn’t read the first part read it here How to Use Github for your Project?

How to Register with Github?

Registering with github is a easy part. Just visit and register with our own email by providing a username and a password.

Then you will ask for select a plan. Just select Unlimited public repositories for free and Click on Continue. If you’re a student I will explain how to get a github premium account with github education pack later.


Click on Continue and It will ask for a small survey like question set. Just fill it as you want.

Start Your First Github Project

You can create a new project by Clicking on ‘start a project’ button. If you’re not already verified your email address this step can’t be done. So If you didn’t confirmed your email just login to the email and check the inbox. There should be an email from github about informing the registration. just click on confirm button.

Give a unique name for your project and press the button on create.

Congratulation. you’re First project is ready. Now you can add, modify and share your codes with friends. And I know You don;t know about how to add codes in to the new project. I will Explain It in the next post.

Thank You.