What is GIT?
Git (different from github) is the most widely used modern version control system in the world today. Git is a mature, actively maintained open source project originally developed in 2005 by Linus Torvalds, the famous creator of the Linux operating system kernel. A git can save all changes of a project from a developer form starting point to the end in a single repository.
So What is Github?
Github is a kind of service implemented on git based file system. The special of git is its free for world wide users and It ensure the data security of the users. Github is not the only one git based repository saving website in the world. There are many Companies do the service like github. But not much popular. There are some examples:
If you google something like ‘Alternates for github’ there are many results with alternates for github.
Why Github?
As students there’s are group projects to do. If all of your group members are not in a one place you’ll be in trouble because you don’t have an idea about what others will edit in your project. So github is a great place to collaborate with your team members to discuss about the problems and make the project done.
Another benefit is github can save all of your file changes history since you start your very first step to the complete software. So github working as a version controlling system. You can release a new version of your software through the github easily.
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